

  • Equipo altamente cualificado y especializado en sus responsabilidades.
  • Trips have been organized since 2013 mainly for European participants, and since 2024 for the American participants, with the greatest success and appreciation.
  • Único viaje en el Camino de Santiago que ha sido reconocido con el patrocinio oficial por el Ayuntamiento de Santiago de Compostela y la Agencia de Turismo Galicia – España.
  • Galardonado con el Premio a la Excelencia Empresarial 2014, reconocimiento otorgado en el epicentro del conocimiento acerca del Camino de Santiago.
  • Trabajo de investigación realizado sobre el Camino de Santiago de forma solvente desde el año 2012 y en constante estudio.
  • Carefully polished image in every detail of the program.
  • Carefully selected locations.
  • Máximo respeto hacia la esencia auténtica del propio Camino de Santiago.
The way we do our work is unique and unrepeatable:
  • The founder’s lifelong and unique connection to the Camino de Santiago, since birth and for life.
  • Her knowledge, education, experience, and professional recognition at the heart of the Camino de Santiago.
  • Support from key institutions responsible for safeguarding and promoting the Camino de Santiago worldwide: the City Hall of Santiago de Compostela and the Galicia Tourism Agency, through its official sponsorship at its launch in 2013.
  • The Business Excellence Award within a year after launching the project in 2014.
  • Amor, respeto y gratitud hacia la esencia auténtica del Camino de Santiago.
  • A deep commitment to improving the world through the development of people and growth in the Camino de Santiago.
  • Mrs. Villar’s profound respect for the authentic essence of the Camino de Santiago.
The Council of Europe designated it as a Great European Cultural Itinerary, defined as "Europe's Main Street", stressing that "For centuries, pilgrims were able to discover new traditions, new languages and new lifestyles. The routes of the Way of St. James are thus a symbol, reflecting almost a thousand years of European history and serving as a model of cooperation. It highlights the meaning of the human being in society, the ideas of freedom and justice, a space for dialogue and meeting".
UNESCO has awarded it the title of World Heritage Site, stating that "The Way of St. James is also an important commercial axis and a route for the dissemination of knowledge, supporting economic and social development along its itineraries."
The Prince of Asturias Foundation awarded it its Prince Felipe Award for Concord, highlighting that "The Jacobean pilgrimage, generator of an extraordinary spiritual, social, cultural and economic vitality, has become, in its 1200 years of history, a symbol of fraternity among peoples.”
"It creates a space to share and accompany the person in their own development in the unique setting of the Camino de Santiago.
It combines personal content (their knowledge) with their business vision: a creative, suggestive, impactful, and far-reaching vision that pays great attention to technical aspects, even on an artistic level.
It merges an excellent idea of generative design with efficient business practice.
It projects high vision that emanates wisdom and values.
I fully support and endorse the Be Camino initiative."

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